Posted by By Alli Baxter March 6, 2023 on Mar 9th 2023

Student saves woman's life thanks to CPR training

Student saves woman's life thanks to CPR training

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., (WPBN/WGTU) -- Millions of people are trained to administer CPR, but it's rare when they get to put those skills to the test.

Every school day, Issac Gray attends a public safety class.

Except for last Thursday, when a snow day prompted him to come into work early at Cherry Capitol Airport's cafe. 

"If I didn't work, coming to work early... what would have happened?" Gray asked.

Issac said he was taking orders then staff heard a commotion.

"People are yelling and then someone said that she wasn't breathing and that they needed help," Gray said.

A passenger had collapsed and she had little to no pulse.

Gray and others in the cafe then ran to her side.

"A little scary because when I jumped in, I can tell there was a lot of adults that were the same thing. They're scared, they didn't know what to do," Gray said.

Gray started chest compressions and called for someone to grab and AED.

He and other passengers were able to revive the woman who had collapsed.

First responders later told the group that they had saved the woman's life.

"I really thank everybody for stepping up when called upon," said Cherry Capitol Airport CEO Kevin Klein. "It's not easy to do that."

Klein said he's proud of the quick thinking of Gray and others who helped that day.

Klein said the passenger was taken to a hospital and is recovering.

It's just a message that humanity, that when another person is in need, we're all here to be able to help each other," Klein said.

Gray said he doesn't see himself as a hero.

"I'm just a normal kid that's doing something," Gray said. "It was a heroic action, but it was just me being a decent human being for someone."

And he has a message for those who could encounter this type of emergency in the future.

"Don't be scared to jump in, because it's better to take action than not to take action," Gray said.

Klein said they are looking for two passengers who also jumped in to help that day.

People are encouraged to reach out to the airport if you know who they are.