AHA PALS Pediatric Advanced Life Support Renewal Class (INCLUDES Provider Manual E-Book and FREE BLS)
American Heart Association
AHA ACLS Renewal, BLS Renewal and PALS Renewal all in 1 DAY for $450 (INCLUDES Provider Manual E-Books!) PLUS your next 3 classes are FREE.
This all in one day is for Renewal classes only. They can not be used for Initial Certifications.
There is a total of 11 hours of pre-course work that needs to be done before coming to class. (We'll email you the links once we confirm which day you will be coming). There is no pre-course work for the BLS.
For ACLS, you'll need to take a one hour pre-test and print (or take a picture) of the completion certificate. Then, you'll watch four hours of classroom videos and print (or take a picture) of the completion certificate and text or email them to (719) 551-1222 or admin@savingamericanhearts.com. Please get your certificates to me day before class, so that class time isn't taken up trying to collect them from everyone. If you are not sure of a class date yet, but want to get started on the precourse work, simple send an email request with ACLS Precourse wanted, or PALS precourse wanted in the subject.
We'll start with BLS (Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers) from 9 AM to 10 AM, next wiil be ACLS from 10 AM to 1 PM and last we'll do PALS from 1 PM to 5 PM.
You can renewal your BLS, ACLS, and PALS in 2026 for free, OR you can take any other of the classes we offer including NRP, PHTLS, EMT IV, LPN IV, Instructor Courses or our other courses. Match any three classes you want.
You don't have to pick a date for your classes right now. You have until forever to pick your dates, credits never expire!
If you have any questions please email admin@savingamericanhearts.com
Love coming to SAH! Been a student/customer for over 4 years! Best place in Colorado Springs!