AHA ACLS, BLS, PALS and PHTLS Instructor Courses - Does NOT include Instructor Manual, Course DVD or the Instructor Essentials online course.
Here are the steps. You'll need to complete each step, and repeat some of them if you want to teach more than one discipline.
1. Obtain a provider card for the discipline that you want to teach. If you don't have a current card, you'll need to find a class and take the course first. (Please note, you must be at least 16 years old to teach the Heartsaver or the BLS Course. To become an instructor for ACLS or PALS you must be at least 18 years of age and licensed or certified in a healthcare occupation where the skills are within your scope of practice. (Paramedic, EMT, Nurse, Pharmacist, ect.) If you have a question please call us (719) 551-1222. Here is a link to our calendar of classes. https://www.keepandshare.com/calendar/show.php?i=2091851&vw=month&ign=y
2. Go to https://ahainstructornetwork.americanheart.org/
3. Create an account or login. On the left, find "Edit my profile and fill out all of your personal information.
4. If you are already an AHA Instructor, on the left above the word "Dashboard" You will see "Welcome and your name, with your instructor number listed below" Once you finish the registration process, you will be assigned an instructor number. if you don't have one yet.
Once you get your instructor ID, write it down, save it as a person in your phone and take a picture of it. You'll need this number frequently. Take the time to get familiar with the AHA Instructor Network website. Training Updates are posted here, information about continuing education for each course, news and new information about courses, new courses offered, a free place to post all your classes, paperwork and sample agendas and skills testing sheets to include with your class roster, specific information about each class offered and tons more information and resources.
The Dashboard is your home page. Always return to the dashboard if you get lost.
5. Now, go to www.elearning.heart.org and complete the instructor essentials course for the discipline you want to teach. In the top right corner is a search bar. Type in "Instructor Essentials" You need to complete an Instructor Essentials course for every course you want to teach. They are $33/each.
6. You'll need to take the Instructor Essentials Course, Instructor Update, The Product and Orientation Course for each discipline you want to teach.
7. The last one, you'll only need to take once is the 2020 AHA Guidelines Science Inservice Course.
8. Next, you will need to take an Instructor Course. The course can be completed in a single day. During this course, you will take the classroom written test and be tested on your hands on skills just as your would test a student. You will also take an Instructor Exam for your discipline. You'll need to successfully demonstrate skills for BLS (and or pass the mega code for ACLS or PALS) Pass the written exam for the provider course with 84% or greater. Complete the monitoring requirements for your course. and complete the Instructor Course Exam with an 84% or greater.
9. To qualify for Instructor Status, you will need to be monitored teaching one Initial Class or one Renewal Course. We teach so frequently that You will be able to get your monitoring done in just a day or two.
Depending on the course you want to teach, you may be able to be monitored teaching a course on the same day, for example, we can arrange a BLS course the same day.
10. You will need to "Align" with a Training Center. An AHA Training Center is one company in a network of companies that has been given special permission by the American Heart Association, to oversee other companies that teach AHA Courses. This is a company with lots of experience and is responsible for making sure each company and instructor that they accept, are teaching the courses by following all the rules set forth by the American Heart Association. To "Align" with a Training Center is like getting accepted to a group that you will kind of report to, ask help from and who has resourses to help you suceed. You will submit your class roster and paperwork to your Training Center who will issue the course completion cards to your students.
Your Training Center will also monitor you teaching a class once every two years to uphold the standards of AHA, and to assist you with any questions you have. To align with a Traiing Center, you will need to complete an Instructor Candidate Application and fill out a few more forms that will be explained and given to you during your instructor course. We will help you in aligning with our Training Center during your instructor course.
Your AHA Instructor card is good for two years. You must maintain a current provider card, teach at least 4 courses in 2 years in accordance with the guidelines of the American Heart Association and avoid any perception of conflict of interest in accordance with the AHA statement of Conflict of Interest. Every two years you will resubmit an Instructor Candidate application for each discipline you teach, attend an Instructor Renewal Course, be monitored 1 time for each discipline every two years and adhere to the rules found in the PAM. The PAM is the Program Administration Manual for all AHA Courses. It's like the AHA Bible. You can find on the AHA Instructor Network after you log into your account.
Read through the table on contents and keep up with Training Updates that are posted on the AHA Instructor Network.