Posted by Richard Letourneau of Artesia, New Mexico Volunteer Fireman on May 24th 2021

Richard Letourneau of Artesia, New Mexico saves choking woman's life

Richard Letourneau of Artesia, New Mexico saves choking woman's life.

Richard, who is a volunteer Fireman in Artesia, New Mexico was at a restraunt eating dinner with a buddy from work. He saw an elderly woman across the room grab her chest and slump against the wall. The younger woman with her suddenly began screaming "Mom! Mom! Oh no, Mom are you ok? Somebody help! Help!" No one in the restraunt moved and the room became silent. Richard knew he had to do something or this woman would surely die. He jumped from his chair and ran to her as fast as he could. He stood behind her and pulled her up from her chair and began abdominal thrusts. It wasn't working. Richard began slapping her on the back, but not very hard as he was afraid he would injure her. He tried abdominal thrusts several more times and the woman begain to loose the color in her face. He slaped her back a few times, harder now fearing for her life. Suddenly, the piece of food popped out and a few seconds later, the woman began to breath. Not very strong, but she was breathing and started to move. The color was returning to her face as her breaths got stronger. Everyone in the restraunt applauded and cheered as Richard had saved her life. Richard said some people there said "We didn't know what to do, we had no idea what to do. We are so glad you were her. The daughter thanked him for saving her mother's life. Richard learned that his life is worth more than he thought. A life was almost lost lost today, but Richard was there to give her life back.

Richard asked the daughter to take her to the ER just to get checked out and make sure that she was ok. The daughter agreed.

A few days later, Richard stopped by the restraunt to check on her and see if anyone had heard if she made it ok. One of the waitresses said "She is doing just fine thanks to you!"