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Posted by By SARAH CHEMLA OCTOBER 30, 2020 11:56 / The Jerusalem Post on Apr 3rd 2021

Husband saves wife's life right after completing MDA's CPR course

Husband saves wife's life right after completing MDA's CPR course

During Rosh Hashanah, Dana felt pain in her chest, had difficulty breathing and collapsed. Gil, who found her barely conscious on the shower floor.

By SARAH CHEMLA OCTOBER 30, 2020 11:56

Gil, his wife Dana, and MDA Paramedic Ahmad Abo Shah. (photo credit: MDA SPOKESPERSON)

Gil, his wife Dana, and MDA Paramedic Ahmad Abo Shah. (photo credit: MDA SPOKESPERSON)

Gil and his wife Dana, a couple in their 40s living in the Sharon area, celebrated Rosh Hashanah not as they expected. And it could have end tragically.

During Rosh Hashanah, Dana felt pain in her chest, had difficulty breathing and collapsed. Gil, who found her barely conscious on the shower floor, called Magen David Adom's 101 Emergency Call Center, reported her condition and requested an ambulance urgently.

"As soon as I realized when something was wrong, I called MDA for help and explained to them what had happened," Gil recalled. "Her whole body was rigid and she did not respond, and then suddenly she was not with me."

It usually take some time for the ambulance to come, and by the time they arrived, if nothing was done, it could have been too late.

Fortunately, Gil, who only a month earlier took the CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) course at MDA, together with the MDA team on the phone, managed to maintain her condition until MDA arrival.

"I immediately remembered the resuscitation course, and started chest compressions. I functioned like a robot, I did not have time to think and process what was happening," Gil said.

"After a few minutes, the MDA team arrived and continued the treatment. They completely took over, gave her electric shocks and medication and continued the compressions until her heart was beating again. I was afraid she would never get out of it alive."

“When we arrived at the house, we continued the resuscitation efforts that Gil had started and for about fifteen minutes we treated Dana with electric shocks, medications, compressions and ventilation," MDA paramedic Ahmad Abo Shah said. "We managed after what felt like a long time to restore her pulse and continued with the critical medical treatment also on the way to the hospital.

"I was panicking," continued Gil, "but thankfully the story is behind us. She had a heart attack, was breathing and sedated in an unknown condition and today she is at home!"

"It's a miracle. We are still in the rehabilitation process and there is more work to be done, but the situation has improved miraculously."

"I am a huge supporter of the course and encourage all of my friends and family to undergo the training," said Gil regarding his training from MDA. "I knew that the course was important even before this happened."

"I would like to thank the MDA staff, the paramedic at the 101 Emergency Call Center who gave me instructions, paramedic Ahmad Abo Shah and his team, and the hospital staff from the bottom of my heart for fighting for her life. They are angels."

Gil, his wife Dana, and MDA Paramedic Ahmad Abo Shah.(Credit: MDA)

Gil, his wife Dana, and MDA Paramedic Ahmad Abo Shah.(Credit: MDA)

"I visited her afterwards in hospital and could not believe she was recovering so quickly," said Abo Shah. "When I was told she was in good condition I had chills and tears welled up. From having been in the balance between life and death she came out standing on her feet. It's amazing and it gives me the drive to continue saving lives at work."

"When I got to her house and saw the kids downstairs waiting in fear - I knew I had to help them and save their mom," the MDA paramedic added.

Dana was recently released from the hospital.

"Thank God she came home safe and sound," said Abo Shah.

Original Article Link:

Husband saves wife's life right after completing MDA's CPR course - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)