Posted by Jake Newby Pensacola News Journal -Published 6:00 AM CT June 15, 2018 on Sep 1st 2020

Good Samaritan saves baby after family boat sinks in Pensacola Bay

Good Samaritan saves baby after family boat sinks in Pensacola Bay

A Brewton, Alabama, woman says she can't express how grateful she is to the Good Samaritan who revived her infant child with CPR after her family's boat sunk into Pensacola Bay.

The waves were too powerful for the 14-foot motorboat that Shelby Lassiter, her husband, Russell, and two small children were riding in on May 18. Just a couple of hours into what was intended to be a leisurely family outing, the family of four was knocked into the water and left to tread desperately while shouting for help. 

"I told my husband, 'I don't feel safe, I think it's time to go back to land,'" Lassiter told the News Journal, while recalling the moments before sinking. "And we were trying to head back when a big (wave) came over the front of the bow and we just started sinking. My husband turned and looked at me and I knew by the look on his face that this was not good."

From left, Shelby Lassiter, Russell Lassiter (holding Riley), Michael Kirk, Whitney Kirk and Bowen pose for a photo in Pensacola. Kirk helped rescue the Lassiter family after their boat sunk in Pensacola Bay on May 18.

Picture from left: Shelby Lassiter, Russel Lassiter (holding Riley), Michael Kirk, Whitney Kirk, and Bowen pose for a photo in Pensacola. Kirk helped rescue the Lassiter family after their boat sunk.

Lassiter's 4-year-old son, Bowen, and 9-month-old daughter, Riley, were both wearing life jackets, but she and her husband were not.

'Help me and my baby!'

Roughly a mile away, charter captain and East Hill resident Michael Kirk, owner of Condor Sailing Adventures, was taking four guests out for a cruise on the Bay. He said he noticed the motorboat "disappear" under the waves, so he had one of his guests call 911 before blasting his sailboat over to the scene.

"He was still yelling, 'Help me and my baby!'" Kirk said. "At that point I could only see Russell, so I made a mayday call to let everyone know that we had an infant in the water and we couldn't see her."

Kirk moved his sailboat in closer to Russell Lassiter and noticed he was clutching Riley. Kirk and his guests were able to pull the man and his daughter onto the boat.

Acting fast to save the baby's life

After being pulled out of the water, Riley wasn't breathing and her body was limp, according to the FWC report released this week. Kirk gave her CPR to revive her, but she still wasn't breathing normally, the report said.

A towboat arrived a short while later and rushed the Lassiter family to the Pensacola Yacht Club, where EMS crews were standing by to assist them further. Shelby Lassiter said she couldn't feel her arms and legs after fighting the water. She and Riley were transported to Sacred Heart Hospital.

Russell Lassiter and Bowen did not need to go the hospital.

The family motorboat was never recovered, Shelby Lassiter said.

Shelby Lassiter was released from the hospital the same night she was admitted. Riley had to stay overnight because the Sacred Heart staff said the infant had ingested saltwater.

But it wasn't long before Riley was back to full strength.

"They took her up to the pediatric ICU and she looked just sleepy and worn out that night, but by the next morning you could tell she was starting to feel better," Shelby Lassiter said. "She was starting to smile again like she always does."

Almost a month later, Riley is not feeling any effects of the near drowning.

"She is completely fine, she is the happiest baby ever," Shelby Lassiter said.

Lassiters build a bond with the Good Samaritan

A few days after the incident, the entire Lassiter family went out for dinner with Kirk and his wife, Whitney, at the Shrimp Basket in Pensacola.

"We're very, very thankful that they were out on the water right then," Shelby Lassiter said. "When I first saw (Kirk) after everything, there was tears and lots of hugs and a lot of trying not to cry, but it still happened."

Kirk said he deflects praise whenever the incident is brought up, insisting he just did what anyone else would have done.

"To me, a hero is someone who runs into a burning building or puts their life in danger," Kirk said. "To me, no one who helped out was in danger."

The Lassiters have kept in touch with Kirk and his wife. Shelby Lassiter said they're hoping to meet up for dinner again soon.