Saving American Hearts, Inc Blog

Posted by Texas Heart Institute - February 6, 2022 on Feb 6th 2022

Texas Heart Institute Celebrates American Heart Month 2022

Texas Heart Institute Celebrates American Heart Month 2022Every February the whole country focuses on the heart for American Heart Month. Texas Heart Institute is taking part again virtually this year …

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Posted by Catherine Brinkley President and CEO Saving American Hearts, INC - February 2, 2022 on Feb 2nd 2022

We got approval to teach the EMT IV Course!

We got approval to teach the EMT IV Course!Saving American Hearts, Inc just got the final approval from theColorado Department of Public Health and Environment to teachthe EMT IV Course!It is going to …

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Posted by BBC News 12 October 2021 on Feb 1st 2022

Cardiac arrest survivor thanks lifesavers

Cardiac arrest survivor thanks lifesavers Chris Barendt said he was technically dead for 27 minutesA van driver who had a cardiac arrest while delivering parcels has thanked those who saved his lif …

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