If you need a refund please call or email and put refund in the subject. I can do refunds same day if you have Venmo or paypal. If I do it through the website it can take a week or more.
The cost of any E-Books or online courses will be deducted from your refund as once they are issued, they can not be returned and re-issued to another person. We do not get a discount on the cost of the E-Books or the online courses, we have to pay full price.
If you are an EMT Student, and we did your back
If you are not sure if you are going to make it to class, please wait until the day of your class to pay. If you called and I haven't gotten back to you quickly, please send me an email as I teach classes too, and can't always answer my phone and sometimes I can't hear the text message ding and I'll miss it. You can reach me at (719) 551-1222 or Catherine Brinkley