Posted by Catherine Brinkley RN on Nov 21st 2019

What is an Advanced Cardiac Life Support Skills Session?

Advanced Cardiac Life Support Skills Session is a hands on practice and testing course taken after the online ACLS course called Heartcode ACLS Part 1. This can be purchased from and is $132.00. The hands on Skills Session is called Heartcode ACLS Parts 2 and 3 and is done in person with an American Heart Association ACLS Instructor. The cost of the Skills Session is $100. You can locate an AHA ACLS Skills session by using the find a course website at:

This is an alternative to traditional, classroom-based ACLS training, HeartCode ACLS is a self-directed, comprehensive eLearning program from the American Heart Association. The full course combines an interactive, cognitive portion completed online, with a hands-on skills practice and testing session. After successful completion of the online learning, providers practice and test their skills with an ACLS Instructor.

All three parts of the course must be completed in order to receive an ACLS Provider Certification card.

HeartCode ACLS includes interactive patient cases that test the student’s ability to apply the ACLS algorithms to effect treatment. HeartCode ACLS will provide your team the benefits of standardized ACLS instruction and improved competency, and may also save time and money compared to traditional classes. The eLearning online portion includes interactive patient cases that test the user’s ability to apply the ACLS algorithms to effect treatment. 

Specifically designed for healthcare professionals who are intimately familiar with resuscitation (physicians, nurses, EMS personnel, etc.), HeartCode ACLS, through interactive case-based micro-simulation technology, teaches:

  • Recognition and early management of peri-arrest conditions that may result in cardiac arrest or complicated resuscitation outcomes
  • Management of cardiac arrest until return of spontaneous circulation, termination of resuscitation, or transfer of care
  • Recognition of life threatening clinical situations such as stroke
  • Identification and treatment of ischemic chest pain and expedition of the care of patients with acute coronary syndromes
  • Effective communication as a member or leader of a resuscitation team and how to recognize the impact of team dynamics on overall team performance
  • Basic life support care, including prioritizing chest compressions and integrating an AED

The eLearning option is a convenient option for adult learners, but is only recommended for healthcare providers who utilize ACLS skills on a regular basis as part of their duties of work.

Approximate Length:
8 Hours (eLearning Portion)
2 Hours (Skills Session)

The HeartCode ACLS Parts 2 and 3, is the "hands-on" skills checkoff portion of the course. This portion roughly takes 2 hours.

To attend this course you must bring your online completion certificate with you for the AHA Online class. If you have printer issues you can just take a pic of the certificate and text it to me and I will print a copy for both of us.

What to expect during your skills session:

You will first practice and then be tested on 1 rescuer Adult BLS with the use of an AED.

Then you'll practice and be tested on using a bag-mask device in a respiratory case scenario as well as use, measurement and insertion of an OPA and an NPA.

You'll finally practice through your megacode scenario. You will lead the code and direct staff on what is

to be done to manage the case. Don't stress ! I don't expect you to be an expert, or to do everything 100% perfectly. It's understandable that you don't normally act as team leader and direct the code. This is why we take the time to practice before hand, to make sure I have answered any questions you have and that you feel comfortable andconfident before any testing

Successful performance of the online modules and skills session is required for course completion card.

If you have any questions about the course please email or call Catherine Brinkley at or (719) 551-1222.