Posted by Fox News 59 Indiana on Mar 16th 2020

Westfield officer saves cardiac patient’s life with AED just days after it was donated to department

Westfield officer saves cardiac patient’s life with AED just days after it was donated to department

WESTFIELD, Ind. — A Westfield woman met the police officer who saved her life.

“It’s miraculous that I’m alive,” said Mary Brazee.

Back in January, Brazee’s husband called 911 when he saw his wife wasn’t breathing. He started doing CPR until help arrived for the cardiac arrest call.

Officer Wade Burtron used an AED to revive Brazee.

“Without them, I probably wouldn’t be alive. It was that quick action that saved me,” said Brazee.

Officer Burtron knew what to do, and he had what he needed. The AED that Officer Burton used was brand new. It was donated just days beforehand.

“It makes it real. It makes what we’re doing real, and it makes us want to continue to do it,” said Susan Twer with Bolt for the Heart.

Bolt for the Heart is an organization that’s working to make sure every officer and deputy has an AED in their patrol car. Since 2010, Bolt for the Heart has donated over 800 AEDs, that includes 465 to Indiana State Troopers and now all Westfield officers are equipped.

“They need the tools to do their job and a lot of times, tools like this are expensive,” said Twer.

Brazee had to stay in the hospital for 11 days, and she now has a pacemaker. Her heart is proof--police officers having these life saving devices is a good move.

“It could be their family member that they’re saving, it could be them. It’s not a crisis until it’s your family,” said Gary Brazee.

Monday night, Officer Burtron was recognized for his lifesaving efforts. The Brazee’s were there to thank him and meet him for the first time since that night.

“At that point I realized how important in my life he was, that he stepped right into action and saved me. It was very emotional,” said Brazee.

Bolt for the Heart holds a 5K race every Thanksgiving morning in Carmel. Every year the race gets bigger. All the money goes towards buying AED’s for first responders to keep in their vehicles.