Posted by Catherine Brinkley President and CEO Saving American Hearts, INC - February 2, 2022 on Feb 2nd 2022

We got approval to teach the EMT IV Course!

We got approval to teach the EMT IV Course!

Saving American Hearts, Inc just got the final approval from the

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to teach

the EMT IV Course!

It is going to take at least a week to pull everything together. We have

to print all the student policy books, create an email with all of the pre-requisites

let everyone know in advance, that they will be scheduling clinicals at North Glen

Ambulance to get their IV sticks done on live patients and tons of other things.

The emails and preparation for the paperwork alone will take at least a week

and I still have to look at the calendar to determine when we will be able to 

schedule our first class. 

Please let every EMT you know, that we finally got the approval !!! 

We are super excited to finally be able to offer this class. We have been working

on it for three years, actually, it may be closer to four years now. I'm so happy, and still a

little bit in shock!  I will try my best to pull it all together as quickly as possible so we

can get our first class scheduled!  I still have to write and create the whole webpage

for the class too.