Posted by WINK NEWS Southwest Florida Reporter: Andryanna Sheppard Writer: Jack Lowenstein Published: January 19, 2021 11:13 PM EST Updated:January 20, 2021 12:13 AM EST on Jul 6th 2021

SWFL woman wants to thank good Samaritan who saved her with CPR at Walmart

SWFL woman wants to thank good Samaritan who saved her with CPR at Walmart

A woman in Southwest Florida is grateful to be alive. She says it’s all thanks to a stranger, and she’s looking for the man who performed CPR on her more than a week ago at a Walmart. She wants to pay it forward.

It was Megan Hall’s tenth day in the hospital Wednesday, and she was more than happy to say so.

“I am grateful to be here. I really am,” Hall said.

She now has a defibrillator in her chest to make sure what happened at a Walmart in south Fort Myers almost two weeks ago doesn’t happen to her again.

“What I remember and heard was I was in line with my cart, and I went down, and that’s it,” Hall said. “It’s miraculous. When you drop dead, you have that much time before, you know? Or you’re not going to be saved.”

Thankfully, Megan Hall was saved by a good Samaritan.

“Not sure where he came from — behind me, customer or employee did heart compressions on me until the ambulance came and took me,” Hall said. “He definitely saved my life.”

Hall thinks she’ll be able to go home Wednesday. Her life is forever changed because someone in that store knew CPR. Once she gets better, she plans to learn CPR too, so she can help pay it forward and be there if someone needs her.

Meanwhile, Hall’s savior is all who she has thought about for the last 10 days.

“I would love to find him,” Hall said. “I want to know who he is. If he doesn’t want publicly at least properly. Let me thank you.”