Posted by Catherine Brinkley Saving American Hearts, INC. on Jul 11th 2024

Stay cool in the summer without air conditioning - 19 Tips

1). Take a cool shower

2). Put a change of clothes in the freezer

3). Move your mattress to the floor

4). Get a no vent air conditioner. We got one that's 3 foot tall and is like a swamp cooler. It was $99 on EBay and makes a huge difference. I filled the top with ice and filled it with 3 gallons of water I kept in the refrigerator overnight.

5). Fill your cool mist humidifier with ice and ice water

6). Fill a bucket with ice and let your fan blow across it

7). Wear a cool wet cloth around your neck

8). Wet your face, hands, arms and legs with cool water from the sink.

9). Don't cook in the house. Grill outside or eat cool sandwiches, frozen fruit, popsicles, cucumbers and tomatoes

10). If you must cook, wait until nearly dark.

11). When the sun goes down and the temperature drops to around 70 degrees ,open all your doors and windows to let the cool night air fill the house.  Make sure you close them all just before the sun comes up.

12). Use your ceiling fans. You'll need to circulate the cool air and if you don't your house will be like a hotbox.

13). Drink plenty of ice cold drinks. Try to stay away from caffeine so you don't get dehydrated sweating. If you must have the coffee and sodas, drink at least two of the same size container of water or Gatorade for each coffee or soda. 

14). Stay in the shade as much as possible if you need to be outside. Make sure your pets have plenty of cold water and shade too.

15). Wear light loose clothing

16).  Try a reflective window film. We did and you can stand in direct sunlight and not feel any heat! You can make it stick to the window with a spray bottle of soap and water.

17). If you own your home, paint the roof white.

18). Close all rooms you are not using during the hottest part of the day. If you are worried about electronics, move them or put them on the floor where it's cooler.

19) Close the curtains on all the windows in the sun. Hang a blanket over them if you need to. 

I hope this really helps!!!  Stay cool !!!