Posted by Catherine Brinkley RN on Nov 8th 2020

Saving American Hearts, Inc is teaching our first AHA 2020 Guidelines ACLS Class on November 11, 2020

Saving American Hearts, Inc is teaching our first AHA 2020 Guidelines ACLS Class on November 11, 2020

We are so excited to begin teaching the New 2020 Guidelines ACLS course for the first time. We have the new books and DVDs.

We have updated all of our wonderful study guides, and they are even better than before!

We are still working out the details of the online testing vs the traditional paper tests, as well as a few new changes and the exact time frame for the classes as our students will now be able to watch all of the course videos at home, making in person classroom time much shorter.

I think this will work out better for babysitting issues, bad weather and the whole COVID issue.

Allowing the students to watch the videos at home, I think will allow for a better understanding of the material since they will now be able to pause the video, stop, rewind, take notes and replay if they want. 

Just a short quick note about a few of the changes -

Atropine is back to 1 mg

Rescue breaths and breaths with an advanced airway are now 1 every 6 seconds

They added an option to consider termination efforts sooner

Epi should be given as soon as possible for Asystole and PEA but remains the same for Vfib

and Pulseless VT that it not be given until after the second shock

Amiodarone and Lidocaine are now considered equal

This is not all of the details, but for the most part, that is all the major changes.