Posted by CPR123 on Jun 28th 2020

Reviving After 45 min Without a Pulse

Reviving After 45 min Without a Pulse

Ruby Graupera-Cassimiro, a mother of two, had just come out of a c-section procedure to deliver her new daughter. Then suddenly, she lost consciousness. She was suffering from a rare complication called an amniotic fluid embolism, in which the fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb enters the mother’s blood stream. The condition can cause life-threatening blood clots.

Ruby’s heart stopped beating, and continued to be lifeless for 45 minutes, while doctors and nurses began CPR and used defibrillator pads to revive her.

Just when the doctors were about to declare Ruby dead, the monitor picked up a heart beat, followed by another and another. Ruby was spontaneously resuscitated after 3 hours of being unconscious. She was taken off life support a day later, and was discharged in stable condition with her newborn. Ruby did not suffer any brain or physical injuries from the ordeal.

With the help of CPR, you can ensure that the blood supply to your heart is not cut out. CPR works more like a link between a person having a cardiac arrest and the victim receiving a proper treatment at hospital. AHA calls CPR the “chain of survival,” which calls for a series of actions that you need to take in order to save a person’s life.

CPR is not only about mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Mouth-to-mouth is one more reason because of which most Americans do not undergo the training. In the year 2010 the rules of performing CPR were transformed in which it was declared that people who are not comfortable in giving mouth-to-mouth can give hands-only CPR. Hand CPR is only about compressing the victim chest without any breathing assistance. Even hands-only CPR is very effective in saving a person’s life.

The process of hands-only CPR is very easy. Just follow the steps mentioned below to the toe.

  1. Place the heel of your left hand on the chest of the victim; more specifically at the center of the chest.
  2. Place the right hand on the top of your left hand in a way that the fingers of the two hands interlace with each other.
  3. Press your hands down into the chest for about two inches and release your hands. You have to do this process as quickly as possible and reach a count of 100 within one minute time.
  4. Keep doing this process till the emergency service has arrived. You will be amazed to know that when a victim is given continuous CPR, he will survive along with a healthy brain, even if he receives a proper medical attention after 40 minutes of cardiac arrest.

You can learn this process better, if you take some formal training, which is possible, even online. CPR123 Inc. can provide you world class training and ensure that you are ready to fight any kind of emergency.