Posted by by Patricia Grisafi August 2020 Channel 2 News on Mar 5th 2021

Man Saves Woman’s Life With CPR At The Grocery Store But Still Has To Get The Milk

Man Saves Woman’s Life With CPR At The Grocery Store But Still Has To Get The Milk

Justin Thomas never expected to use his medical skills in a grocery store—but that’s exactly what he had to do when a woman collapsed in a Texas Krogers.

Thomas, who is a CPR-certified electrician with 10 years of service in the United States Coast Guard, was shopping for milk when he realized something wasn’t right.

“I heard someone scream out, so I moved toward the direction of the scream,” the father of four told NBC affiliate KPRC. “Then I saw a lady splayed out on the floor.”

“I just saw someone in need. I didn’t even think about it,” he said. “I came down on both knees. I looked at her and saw that her face was turning blue and I just quickly started administering CPR and started giving her chest compressions.”

Thomas and another shopper administered life-saving efforts on the woman until medical help arrived and transported her to a hospital.

“Afterward was kind of strange, a strange feeling,” Thomas explained. “Like I have all this adrenaline and I still have to go get the milk.”

Later, Thomas was contacted by the woman’s family who happily confirmed she had survived—all because of his help.

“The doctors told her that if it wasn’t for the quick actions, she wouldn’t have made it,” he said.

Thomas says he doesn’t consider himself a hero, saying that he has to know CPR for work and renews his training and certification every year. He urged people to learn CPR because you never know when you might be grocery shopping and need to save a life.