Posted by By Peter McLaren-Kennedy -4 February 2022 @ 12:00 on Feb 7th 2022

Man saves dog’s life performing CPR

Man saves dog’s life performing CPR

A Los Angeles man has been called a hero after saving a dog’s life by performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) after the animal passed out and stopped breathing.

Man saves dog’s life performing CPR. Tik Tok, Los Angeles

Jay, full name unknown, noticed that the dog had collapsed while out walking with his owner and that it has stopped breathing. Witnesses say he didn’t hesitate in dropping to the ground before starting to perform the life saving measure.

Stone, the nine-year-old dog has stopped breathing, with video loaded on to Tik Tok showing Jay performing CPR and saying to the dog “Come on baby, you already have it”.

Jay has achieved international recognition with the video going viral, being seen by more than a million people.

The many comments praise Jay saying “Who is he? He deserves recognition for being so amazing”, “You are a hero”, “Best dog, dad. I’m glad you posted this video”.

The kind act by Jay who is seen performing CPR on the animal is now international news and hopefully he will receive the thanks that he deserves for the live saving act.

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