Posted by Hindustan Times, New Delhi | By Amrita Kohli PUBLISHED ON JUN 04, 2020 08:28 PM IST on Apr 29th 2021

Man rescues drowning baby deer, gives it CPR to save its life

Man rescues drowning baby deer, gives it CPR to save its life. 

This is a wonderful display of kindness.

Hindustan Times, New Delhi | By Amrita Kohli

PUBLISHED ON JUN 04, 2020 08:28 PM IST

As the people grieve for the pregnant elephant that was killed in Kerala, this story of a family rescuing a baby deer may offer some comfort. A post shared on Facebook details how a man spotted the tiny animal in the water and saved it from drowning. A video, shared along with the post, shows him and another person giving the animal CPR and saving its life.  Watch this wonderful video!

This wonderful display of kindness was shared by Facebook user Liz Ballard. “How sweet is this! Brian rescued a baby deer at the lake. She was lifeless under water. God is good!” she wrote while sharing the video of her husband.

Brian Ballard was out on Lake Tyler, Texas, when he noticed the lifeless animal and sprung into action, reports Tyler Morning Telegraph. Ashton Byrd, who was on a different boat, noticed Ballard and decided to help.

The video opens to show Byrd blowing air into the baby deer’s mouth to revive it. Ballard is seen taking over and followed it up by giving the animal chest compressions. After some intense moments, the deer begins to breathe on its own.