Posted by Reddit Posted byu/frigginnathan 1 year ago July 1, 2019 18:12:13 GMT on Jun 21st 2021

I've always wondered why CPR isn’t a core class in high school. I graduated 10 years ago and have used CPR three times which is three times more than I have used calculus. Relentless compressions saved this man with Vfib, and it couldn’t of happened

I've always wondered why CPR isn’t a core class in high school. I graduated 10 years ago and have used CPR three times which is three times more than I have used calculus. Relentless compressions saved this man with Vfib, and it couldn’t of happened to a better person.

My wife and I were stopping at the store to get get dinner, and I saw an older gentleman laid down in the road in front of the store, so I pulled over and rushed to his side. Another guy was next to him checking his pulse and said he couldn’t find it, so we pulled him out of the road, and immediately begin chest compressions. The two of us worked on him for about five minutes or so while a whole bunch of onlookers just stood there. The paramedics finally arrived and took over, and after shocking him several times and what felt like a lifetime, were able to stabilize him, and get him to the hospital. Police officer came over and told us he had a massive heart attack. He then shook my hand and congratulated us for saving this complete stranger, and said had we not been there and acted as fast as we had that he would of absolutely not made it. This morning the family contacted me and I went to the hospital to meet this man. Turns out he had Vfib and died three times at the hospital and had we not sprung into action as fast as we did he wouldn’t of even made it there. The doctor told me that people have less than a 10% survival rate, and couldn’t remember the last time he saw somebody survive this. This man Stephen is super awesome and incredibly funny. Every year he is Santa Claus for the kids in his town and hosts an event called “meet santa” at the high school, and he even promised me were gonna toss back a few beers when he’s fully recovered. You never know what kind of situation might unfold at any moment, and simply knowing what to might be the difference between someone going home to their family or not.



You saved Santa! And you are absolutely correct, everyone who is mentally and physically capable of doing CPR, should learn it.



Great job saving Santa!

I was always taught it was important to single one onlooker out with a "You! Call 911." Onlookers sometimes don't know what to do and assume someone else called.

My CPR instructor said he once had to do CPR for the better part of three hours in the back of an ambulance transporting a patient, so he made us do it correctly for five minutes. If you screwed up with three seconds left, your timer started over. I credit the repetition he insisted on with establishing that muscle memory that had let me do it without thinking since then.

Enjoy those beers and getting to know your new friend!



That’s awesome! I am a junior in high school and I am proud to say that learning cpr is required to pass freshman year