Posted by Charles Kitchens Advanced Practice Telemedicine June 11, 2021 June 21, 2021 on Oct 21st 2021

How to Find a Physical Therapist

How to Find a Physical Therapist

How to Find a Physical Therapist

You had an accident or surgery that reduces your mobility. Now you need to have physical therapy. But how do you go about finding a physical therapist.

Here are some ways that you can search for Santa Clara physical therapy.

Ask Your Doctor

When your doctor prescribes physical therapy, ask them if they have someone in mind. Perhaps they know someone who has worked well with people in the past. They could have someone that they have regularly send patients to.

This should be the first person that you ask. But you might not be satisfied with the answer or they may not have a particular person to suggest. Then you can just move to the next group.

Ask Family and Friends

It never hurts to ask around among your own circle. A family member might have had to rehab an injury and they loved the physical therapist that they worked with. A friend might have had a positive experience with one and they heartily recommend them.

One thing to keep in mind though - do they know your personality well? They might get along well with the physical therapist but you might not. It never hurts to try out… and then if dissatisfied, you can start the next phase of your search.

Do an Internet Search

There was a time when you would have to thumb through the Yellow Pages and call the physical therapists near your area. No more. Now you can just sit in front of your computer and do the search.

It’s easy - all you have to do is type “physical therapist” and put your zip code next to that. The results will instantly pop up and you will be able to read reviews, too. You can also check if the physical therapist works with your insurance.

One thing about the reviews - take them with a grain of salt. You should be able to detect the real ones since they tend to go into more detail… but some people are just not verbose.

Of course, you will be meeting these physical therapists in person. They should be willing to customize a program for you. Be aware of what they say and do - always trust your gut.

If you use any of the above methods, then you should be able to find one that works for you without too much trouble. Then you can go about the most important thing - getting yourself back to where you were before.