Posted by By Lauren Soulek December 20, 2023 on Dec 23rd 2023

Have a heart-healthy holiday

Have a heart-healthy holiday
The holidays are usually full of parties, food, and fun — which might have some people taking a break from their healthy habits.

Tiffany Mutschler knows the importance of taking care of your heart.

“My family has a really extensive history of terrible heart health,” Mutschler said.

That’s why she works to stay heart-healthy every day.

“I try my best to really just be conscience of what I’m putting in my body and also making sure that I’m exercising my heart and making sure that it’s healthy. I’m a huge fan of Peloton,” Mutschler said.

Dr. Tom Stys, a cardiologist at Sanford Health, says practicing those habits is especially important during the holidays.

“It is very well known that the instance of heart attack is highest between Christmas and New Year’s. Rational being too much stress, not enough rest, not enough sleep,” Stys said.

He says it’s important to eat and drink in moderation while you’re celebrating.

“Alcohol is not good for your heart. There is a so-called ‘holiday heart syndrome’ that is a consequence of binge drinking, drinking too much alcohol,” Stys said.

Know your signs and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

“Evidence such as chest tightness, shortness of breath. At the same time, it could be a very sublet symptom such as arm discomfort, shoulder ache, back ache, dizziness, sweatiness, light-headedness. So symptoms can be very vague as well. My recommendation to my patients is always, if it crosses your mind, do not think twice,” Stys said.

“You can’t predict it. You don’t know if it’s going to happen but you can educate yourself. You can know the warning signs of a heart attack or a stroke and you can really just try your best to keep your heart healthy,” Mutschler said.

Dr. Stys also recommends getting 150 minutes of exercise every week.