Posted by By Jamel Johnson June 24, 2024 on Jul 4th 2024

Dale County man survives cardiac arrest after Good Samaritans perform CPR

Dale County man survives cardiac arrest after Good Samaritans perform CPR
According to the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation, over 350,000 people suffer cardiac arrest each year.

For one Dale County man that became a part of that number, he also gets to be part of the list of survivors.

During Father’s Day weekend, Jeff Livingston participated in a gun match. Little did he know though, as he was getting ready to shoot, he’d pass out and need immediate CPR.

Luckily for him, trained professionals at Range Project Group International got his heart beating again after several minutes.

RPGI owner Brendon Souder said they had to bring Jeff back to life twice.

“I remember finishing this stage and clearing my rifle and the lights went out,” said Livingston. “I woke up and about 10 guys were working on me.

“The reason why I shared my video (is) to get the awareness out there that people need to be CPR certified.”