Posted by BBC News 12 October 2021 on Feb 1st 2022

Cardiac arrest survivor thanks lifesavers

Cardiac arrest survivor thanks lifesavers

Chris Barendt said he was technically dead for 27 minutes

A van driver who had a cardiac arrest while delivering parcels has thanked those who saved his life.

Chris Barendt, 63, was driving near Portreath, Cornwall, when he collapsed at the wheel.

His van came to a sudden halt and drivers in nearby vehicles, including two lifeguards, smashed a window, pulled him out and administered CPR.

When paramedics arrived they applied seven defibrillator shocks before he regained a pulse.

"Those on scene that day all thought I was dead - I technically was for 27 minutes," said Mr Barendt who has no memory of what happened on 30 March.

Mr Barendt (centre left) and the team of people who saved his life

"It is testament to the actions of the lifeguards, the passers-by, ambulance crew and air ambulance that I am here today.

"Thanks just isn't enough," he said.

Fewer than one in 10 people survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, Cornwall Air Ambulance said.

Mr Barendt said that the hospital had advised his family to say their goodbyes, but just 48 hours later, he was sat up in his bed talking.


He spent two weeks in hospital before returning to his home in Penryn, Cornwall.

Off-duty RNLI lifeguards Tom McRitchie and Graham Fisher were the first to help Mr Barendt, as well as other members of the public, including a retired paramedic.

Thomas Hennessy Jones, critical care paramedic for Cornwall Air Ambulance, said: "For Chris to not only survive, but to be back to full health is remarkable.

"I don't meet many patients that have had such a successful story.

"The key to success is the chain of survival. Early intervention, early CPR, early defibrillation, and post-resuscitation care. It's a team effort, only when all the links come together does it work for that person," he said.