Posted by Catherine Brinkley October 12, 2023 on Oct 12th 2023

Attention: All T-Mobile users! BEFORE October 17th !

On October 17, 2023 T-Mobile will increase everyone's bill by hundreds of dollars a month with their new mandatory upgrade. The only way to avoid this is to call T-Mobile BEFORE October 17th and tell them that you want to opt out of their mandatory upgrade.  

The best way is actually, to get on the chat with a rep, and screenshot the whole conversation

so you have it in writing.

There's a guy on TikTok that showed a document that was leaked from a T-Mobile rep.

Giving them a call is a pretty simple thing, just in case this guy is right.  If he's wrong,

you made one phone call that you didn't need to. 

Here's the link to his tiktock: