Posted by By Rachel Engel February 1, 2023 on Feb 21st 2023

3 ways providers can use ChatGPT on the job

3 ways providers can use ChatGPT on the job
The artificial intelligence revolution has arrived; learn how OpenAI’s most popular innovation can add value to EMS

“The siren wails, a sign of distress,
An ambulance speeds through the city's bustling mess.
Responding to a call, a task at hand,
Helping those in need, across the land.

The paramedics, trained and brave,
Are ready for the call, their skills on display.
They rush to the scene, lights flashing bright,
To bring comfort and care, through the night.

With expertise and care, they assess the scene,
Determining the best course, to keep their patient keen.
In the ambulance, they work with precision,

Bringing the best care, with no inhibition.

Their quick response, a lifeline to those in need,

A beacon of hope, to fulfill the deed.
Through the wind and rain, through the dark of night,
The ambulance and its crew, guide the way to the light.

So here's to the heroes, in their shining rigs,
Bringing peace and comfort, with every shift they dig.
Their tireless efforts, a symbol of care,
Responding to the call, always there.”

The above poem – which beautifully captures a 911 response – was, surprisingly, not written by a human. Instead, it was generated by OpenAI’s ChatGPT using the prompt, “Write a poem about EMS providers responding to a 911 call in an ambulance.”

While the poem won’t win any literary awards, it’s still impressive for a chatbot. And, used creatively, ChatGPT can even assist first responders on the job in certain instances.


ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot trained with extensive information and knowledge of the world (but limited to events that occurred prior to 2021). While computer-generated content is not new, the difference between previous content generators and ChatGPT is the conversational tone of the generated product.

"What's unique about this is that it presents information in a way that a human would," Gene Munster, a managing partner for Loup Ventures, a technology research and investment firm, said in an interview with CBS News Minnesota. "It essentially has the ability to think."


Note: Beware of copycat programs that may ask you to subscribe to the service for a fee. The original ChatGPT is free to use and does not require a credit card to sign up.

Step 1: Visit OpenAI.

Step 2: Click on the pink button labeled “Try ChatGPT,” which will open a new window.

Step 3: Click “Sign up” to set up your free account. Note: If you get a page that says the service is unavailable, continue refreshing the page until the sign-up button appears; it may take up to a few minutes, due to high demand.

Step 4: Verify your email.

Step 5: Answer a few basic questions.

Step 6: Start asking questions!

Still unsure of how to use ChatGPT? Check out this five-minute explainer video for more details:


While ChatGPT won’t be able to assist with most clinical aspects of EMS work, it can help with other responsibilities that take time and attention away from other high-priority tasks.

1. Generate community risk reduction messaging

While ChatGPT may not be able to help with the clinical side of EMS, it can help generate safety messaging content to be distributed to the community or help to educate community members about what EMS does. Consider how the chatbot can assist with preparations for certain events, such as the daily EMS Week themes, by creating digestible information in lay terms that can be customized by age. For example:

Request: “Explain to a 5-year-old what paramedics do.”
Response: “Paramedics are helpers who come in an ambulance to take care of people who are sick or hurt. They are like doctors and nurses, but they come to you when you can't go to a hospital. They make sure you are safe and comfortable, and they help you get better by giving you medicine or treating your injuries. They are your friends and they want to help you feel better.”

Request: “List several reasons people should learn CPR.”

  • "Save a life: CPR can be a lifesaving technique for someone experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.
  • Quick response time: In the event of cardiac arrest, every second counts and CPR can buy time until professional help arrives.
  • Increases survival rates: Studies show that early CPR can increase a person's chances of survival after a cardiac event.
  • No special skills required: Basic CPR training can be learned by anyone, regardless of age or physical ability, and does not require special equipment or training.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing CPR can give individuals a sense of security and preparedness in the event of an emergency, allowing them to act quickly and confidently in a life-threatening situation."

Request: “Explain to a 10-year-old what a heart attack might look like and how to help.”
Response: “A heart attack can cause symptoms such as chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, pain or discomfort in the arms, neck, jaw, back or stomach, and lightheadedness or fainting. If someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it's important to call emergency services immediately.

In the meantime, you can help by staying calm and comforting the person. If the person is conscious, you can help them sit down or lie down and loosen any tight clothing. You can also encourage them to take slow, deep breaths.

Remember, a heart attack is a serious emergency and it's important to get medical help right away.”

2. Explain clinical assessments, technology to patients

For many people, understanding what emergency responders are doing as they attend to their health needs can alleviate any fear or anxiety they may be having. ChatGPT can help break down complex medical processes into simple terms that can give patients peace of mind.

Request: “In simple terms, explain how an ECG machine works and what it can tell health workers.”
Response:“An ECG machine is a special tool that helps doctors and nurses understand what's happening with your heart. It has stickers called electrodes that you stick on your chest and arms and legs. These electrodes send signals to the ECG machine, which draws a picture of your heart's electrical activity. This picture shows how fast your heart is beating and if it is working normally. Doctors and nurses can use this information to check if your heart is healthy or if there is something wrong that they need to treat.”

Request: “Explain what an ECMO machine is, how it works and what it measures.”
Response: “ECMO, which stands for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, is a medical machine that is used to support the heart and lungs when they are unable to function properly.

The ECMO machine works by removing blood from the patient's body, oxygenating it outside the body, and then returning it back to the patient. This helps provide the necessary oxygen to the body's vital organs, such as the heart and brain, until the heart and lungs are able to recover.

ECMO machines measure a variety of things, including the patient's heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels in the blood, and the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. By monitoring these parameters, medical professionals can adjust the ECMO machine to provide the optimal level of support to the patient.”

3. EMS-themed humor

When you’ve got a tiny patient in your rig that you need to distract from the stitches they’re receiving or to alleviate concerns for mom or dad, it helps to have a joke in your back pocket. And what better way to make EMS less scary than with an EMS-themed quip?

Yep, ChatGPT can do that, too.

Request: “Tell me a joke about paramedics.”
Response: “Why did the paramedic carry a red pen? In case they needed to draw blood!”

Request: “Tell me a joke about EMS.”
Response: “Why did the EMS worker cross the road? To get to the patient faster!”

Request: “Tell me a joke about ambulances.”
Response: Why did the ambulance cross the playground? To get to the other slide!”

I don't think Jerry Seinfeld is shaking in his boots, but that 8-year-old will definitely crack a smile.


While ChatGPT is not a tool for clinical operations at this time, it does have several uses that can assist EMS providers in certain aspects of the job. As the technology advances, there may be additional ways the chatbot can be incorporated into the industry in the future.

Aside from the AI invention, there are several smartphone applications that can assist responders in the field. Check out the list below from Kelly Grayson and let us know your go-to apps in the comments.