AHA PALS Pediatric Advanced Life Support Renewal Class (INCLUDES Provider Manual E-Book and FREE BLS)
American Heart Association
Pediatric Advanced Life Support 1 Day Initial Certification at Saving American Hearts, INC. 6165 Lehman Drive Suite 202 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918. (INCLUDES Provider Manual E-Book and FREE BLS)
The precourse work is now required and is in two parts. Part 1 is an hour long pretest and Part 2 you will watch the course videos online before attending the class. Here's a link to the Pre-Course work. Be sure to create an account, or log in before you start. https://elearning.heart.org/course/426 Take a picture of your certificate or bring it with you to class. Class will focus on the hands on teaching and testing portion of the class. The precourse work takes hours. Once you begin the pretest, you must complete it in one sitting. The second portion includes all the course videos and can be broken up if necessary. If you have any questions, please email Catherine Brinkley at admin@savingamericanhearts.com
The topics covered in a PALS certification course include:
The ultimate goal of PALS certification is to improve pediatric patient outcomes.
The AHA’s PALS Course has been updated to reflect new science in the 2020 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC. This classroom, Instructor-led course uses a series of videos and simulated pediatric emergencies to reinforce the important concepts of a systematic approach to pediatric assessment, basic life support, PALS treatment algorithms, effective resuscitation, and team dynamics. The goal of the PALS Course is to improve the quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured children, resulting in improved outcomes.
Pediatric Advanced Life Support is an advanced life saving course where learners are taught how to manage respiratory, cardiac and shock emergencies in children by using electrical therapy such as cardioversion or defibrillation, the administration of drugs based on the cardiac rhythm and the administration of intravenous fluids to improve cardiac output.
Who should take this course?
This course is designed for doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and emergency medical services. This course is for medical professionals who are proficient in cardiac rhythms, drug doses and Basic Life Support.
Pediatric Advanced Life Support covers
-Airway Management
-Rhythm Disturbances and Electrical Therapy
-Vascular Access by peripheral IV and Intraosseous Access
-ECG Rhythm Identification
-Basic Pharmacology
-Fluid Resuscitation
-Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring during CPR
-Antiarrhythmic Medications for Shock-Refractory Ventricular Fibrillation or pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia
-Targeted Temperature Management
-Post Cardiac Arrest Care
Things to know before taking the Pre-course Lessons:
* All students must complete the Pre-course Self-Assessment and achieve a score of at least 70% before taking the PALS Course.
* Once a student has passed the Pre-course Self-Assessment, they will gain access to the Pre-course Work video lessons.
* All video lessons must be reviewed before entering the classroom.
Please go to www.elearning.heart.org and create a free account. Then, click this link: https://elearning.heart.org/course/426
* Students must print their successful Pre-course Self-Assessment score report and course completion certificate and bring it with them to class. You can also text a picture to (719) 551-1222 and we'll print it for you.
Should you leave the course and need to return, you will need to select from the following options. Please note the option details below.
* Retake - allows you to start over from the beginning (Clicking this will not retain any of your previous progress.)
* Resume - allows you to pick up where you left off
* Review - allows you to see what questions you got right and wrong
PALS Provider Course Objectives
The Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Provider Course is designed for healthcare providers who either direct or participate in the management of respiratory and/or cardiovascular emergencies and cardiopulmonary arrest in pediatric patients. Pre-course preparation, didactic instruction, and active participation in skill stations and simulated cases will be used to enhance the recognition of and intervention for respiratory emergencies, shock and cardiopulmonary arrest.
During the course, you will actively participate in a series of case scenarios and practice with simulation. These simulations are designed to reinforce important concepts, including
-Identification and treatment of problems that place the child at risk for cardiac arrest
-Application of a systematic approach to pediatric assessment
-Use of the evaluate-identify0intervene sequence
-Use of PALS algorithms and flowcharts
- Demonstration of effective resuscitation team dynamics
Goal of the PALS Provider Course
The goal is to improve outcomes for pediatric patients by preparing healthcare providers to effectively recognize and intervene in patients with respiratory emergencies, shock, and cardiopulmonary arrest by using high-performance team dynamics and high-quality individual skills.
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to
-Perform high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) per American Heart Association (AHA) basic life support (BLS) recommendations
-Differentiate between patients who do and do not require immediate intervention
-Recognize cardiopulmonary arrest early and begin CPR within 10 seconds
-Apply team dynamics
-Differentiate between respiratory distress and failure
-Perform early interventions for respiratory distress and failure
-Differentiate between compensated and decompensated (hypotensive) shock
-Perform early interventions for the treatment of shock
-Differentiate between unstable and stable patients with arrhythmias
-Describe clinical characteristics of instability in patienst with arrhythmias
-Implement post-cardiac arrest management
To help you achieve these objectives, the PALS Provider Course includes
-BLS competency testing
-Skills Stations
-Case scenario discussions and simulations
-An exam
BLS Competency Testing
What you will be Expected to Do
You must pass 2 BLS tests to receive an AHA PALS Provider course completion card.
-Child CPR and AED Skills Test
-Infant CPR Skills Test
The PALS Provider Course does not include detailed instructions on how to perform basic CPR or how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED). You must know this in advance. Consider taking a BLS course if necessary.
Skills Stations
What You Will Be Expected to Do
The course includes the following skills stations"
-Airway Management
-Rhythm Disturbances and Electrical Therapy
-Vascular Access
During the skills stations, you will have an opportunity to practice specific skills and then demonstrate competency.
Airway Management Skills Station
What You Will Be Expected to Do
You will need to demonstrate your understanding of oxygen (O2) delivery systems and airway adjuncts. You will have an opportunity to practice and demonstrate
-Insertion of an oropharyngeal airway
-Effective bag-mask ventilation
-Oropharyngeal airway and endotracheal (ET) tube suctioning
-Confirmation of advanced airway device placement by physical examination and an exhaled CO2 detector device
-Securing the ET tube
PALS ILT Full Classroom Course
Continuing Education Accreditation – Emergency Medical Services
This continuing education activity is approved by the American Heart Association, an organization accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE), for 9.75 Educator CEHs, activity number 20-AMHA-F2-0089.
PALS ILT Traditional Full Course
Continuing Education Accreditation – Emergency Medical Services
This continuing education activity is approved by the American Heart Association, an organization accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE), for 13.75 Educator CEHs, activity number 20-AMHA-F2-0100.
Here's a link to our calendar: https://www.keepandshare.com/
and to our Refund Policy: https://savingamericanhearts.com/refund-policy/